I have met so many wonderful friends through books. Some are fictional, and some are flesh and bone friends...but all have made a difference in my life in one way or another. We all impact each other's lives. Sometimes it is by something you say that makes me think, and other times it is by a gesture or kindness. And yet other times it may be something that dug deeper, hurt my feelings, or made me sad. Still you made a difference. Through this blog I would like to introduce you to some people who have blessed me with their writing...and I hope you will be blessed as well!

Coffee or Tea?

Thursday, November 8, 2012


     I know I promised to get back on schedule, but life isn't always as accommodating!  We all know the old saying, "If you want to make God laugh tell Him your plans!"...well that is exactly the way my week went. Honestly, I think sometimes the enemy has nothing better to do with his time than to attack me! Then I read the prayer requests of my friends and realize it isn't just me.
     I remember hearing someone tell a story many years ago about a man who had so many worries he couldn't carry them all anymore. Broken and weary he could barely carry them up to the alter and lay them before the Lord.

    "Father", he cried with tears streaming down his cheeks, "I can't do this anymore!".  He used the last ounce of strength to set the load in front of the alter and pointed to it's mass. "It is killing me.  I have tried repeatedly to figure out how to deal with these things and can't reduce my load even a noticeable amount.

    The Lord looked down and understood the man's sorrow. "You can take it in there", He pointed to a door with a wide opening to the man's right, "All I ask is that you take another bag with you when you go".

    The man was delighted and with renewed hope picked the bag up and entered the room.  It was filled with bags of every size from floor to ceiling.  He lifted and inspected all the bags he could to be assured he had selected the lightest smallest bag of burdens he could find. Once he was convinced, he walked over to claim it only to see his own name on the tag. Of all of the bags in the room, his had been the smallest.
     In recent days I have prayed for a 4 year old boy with cancer in stage 4, and watched the praise report come in that most of his tumors had significantly reduced and he was feeling so much better. A dear writer who this time last year thought she might not live to see her children see adulthood, as been declared cancer free! And other miracles being reported every day.  But there are still so many others needing power added to their prayers...a family who's loved one was trying so hard to start her family had suffered several miscarriages, and now in her 5th month she is in danger again and needs prayer.  A large number of families have recently lost teenagers to suicide, and others are fighting to save their lives. With the damage from Sandy on the East Coast we have seen people loose the home they have lived in for generations, along with everything they owned inside. My bag seems to be shrinking in comparison...and still it is overwhelming to this weary soul.
    I have learned the best way to carry those heavy loads is to pray for others. You can see how many people have battles far heavier than yours. So I really have no excuse for not contributing on time. I know you will love meeting Krista Phillips! There is one lady who has mastered handling the frustrating annoyances that break us down...and always keeping up her blog, writing her book and getting it published, and taking care of four girls (one is our Princess Annabelle who fought, and won, her battle with a defective heart since birth). I can't wait to find out her secret!

I am off to the Penn-Del conference of the Assembly of God Women of Purpose with LIZ CURTIS HIGGS as our keynote speaker!!!  YEA!!!  When I get back I will start my blog on my super-hero Krista Phillips.  Thanks for sticking with me!