So you have a great idea for a story...and you can tell it pretty well..."so why not turn it into a book", someone asks. Hmmm, not a bad idea, or so you think!
How hard can it be? After all you did get an A in English, and creative writing was one of your favorite subjects! Hey, you read "Twilight" and look at how popular it was, even if it wasn't very well written in your opinion!
Suddenly you see yourself riding in a limo on premier night...walking the red carpet...signing your autograph for thousands of screaming fans clamoring for your attention. You jump on craigslist to see how much those fancy motor homes are going for, there will be book signings and interviews to attend. Dollar signs fill your thoughts, and you can't wait for all that extra money!
BUT WAIT!!! I hate to throw water on your fire, but it doesn't work exactly like that! In the next few weeks we are going to be introducing you to some published authors and they are going to share their experiences along the yellow brick road to seeing their name on the cover of their sweat and tears in a material form. Rules change, styles change, and everything you thought you knew about writing changes...are you ready to start learning all over again? Some of the great writers of all time would be rejected by today's rules.
Once you get your story written, you have to pull up your steel plated granny panties and face the critiques...and trust me this is the hard part! You thought your work was awesome! You gave it your all! And then people start telling you what they really think. You are handed a list of no-no words, what!?! Why can't I use a word ending in ly? You are told that the middle of your story starts to drag, you are telling and not showing! Your dialogue is slow. You better rewrite and submit it again..."But Mom liked it!" you whine.
Before we really get into the minds of some of my favorite writers, I would like you to visit the blog of Suzanne Hartmann. She has some wonderful links on her blog, and it is very insightful. I found her blog a good place to take a look, and don't be afraid to ask questions.
In the coming weeks I am going to feature some wonderful writers in a variety of genres, let them tell you about why they write and how they got started, and give you a few of their favorite tips to reaching success in publishing your work. If there is anything you would like me to ask, feel free to email me at and I will be happy to ask for you! Now...get back to that computer and start that next Great American Novel!
It's Tea Time With Cheri'! My thoughts are always ready, my technical abilities are still needing lots of help! Please have patience with me! In the meantime, grab a cup of tea, or a mug of coffee, and of course some chocolate...pull up a chair at the kitchen table and let's visit a little bit... so, what's new with you?
I have met so many wonderful friends through books. Some are fictional, and some are flesh and bone friends...but all have made a difference in my life in one way or another. We all impact each other's lives. Sometimes it is by something you say that makes me think, and other times it is by a gesture or kindness. And yet other times it may be something that dug deeper, hurt my feelings, or made me sad. Still you made a difference. Through this blog I would like to introduce you to some people who have blessed me with their writing...and I hope you will be blessed as well!
Coffee or Tea?
Coffee or Tea?
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